
Nikki 24 editedNikki Gallagher is an “endearing, girl-next-door beauty” – or so she likes to think. She can often be found reading Shakespearean plays, trying to become a DIY home improvement guru, taking random Parks and Recreation classes, and frantically trying to control classrooms of 30 unwieldy children who call her “Miss G.” (her day job is substitute teaching).

She is currently scraping by living with her sister and paying a ridiculous portion of her salary in rent. (On the upside, she and her sister made a webseries about their predicament, which they are actually fairly proud of. If you’re interested in that sort of thing, check out the “Webseries” tab on her site. 🙂 )

Nikki has also been in several independent films and webseries since she moved to Los Angeles, and is always on the lookout for more opportunities to put her acting talents to use!



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